5 Things Moms Need to Know About Colic

For some moms, life with a new baby is magical with easy feedings and snooze-y babies. For others the foray into motherhood feels quite the opposite if you have a colicky baby. When your baby cries uncontrollably for hours at a time, it can stir up feelings of stress, helplessness and self-doubt.
Am I doing something wrong? Is something wrong with my baby?
I remember when my older son was a baby, he was so happy during the day — smiling and cooing at strangers in the grocery store. But in the later afternoon and early evening, he would cry for hours. He wasn’t hungry, he wasn’t tired, he was just crying. I was so rattled and worried, I would cry too. It was a heartbreaking, isolating and devastating experience for a brand new mama.
If your baby has colic and you’re struggling to cope with it, you aren’t alone. And the good news is you’ll get through it. Here are five things you should know about colic:
What is colic?
Colic is the term pediatricians use to explain why an otherwise healthy and well-fed baby cries for long periods of time. But the strange thing about colic is that even highly esteemed and respected doctors do not necessarily agree on what makes a baby colicky. In other words, nobody is entirely sure what causes colic or why some babies have it and some babies don’t.
#1 - You aren’t alone
Studies show that colic tends to appear in babies at around two weeks old, so if it seems like you brought a happy baby home from the hospital and now that same baby has morphed into an unhappy baby, especially in the evening hours, you’re probably right. According to the American Pregnancy Association, 20-25% of all babies have colic. It usually peaks in babies 6-8 weeks old.
#2 – Blame tummy troubles
A popular school of thought about colic is that it has something to do with baby’s tummy discomfort. Sometimes baby’s intestinal system isn’t fully developed, so the cause could be as simple as intolerance to proteins in formula or variations in breast milk.
If your baby gets hiccups or sucks on a pacifier, it can potentially interfere with her digestion and cause gas bubbles. And when colicky babies cry and suck in more air, it can make tummy woes worse.
#3 – Look for distress signals
If your baby starts to get cranky after a feeding and you can tell you’re headed into colic territory, there are signals you can look for to determine if tummy issues could be causing the tears. When babies clench their bodies by pulling their legs up or making fists, that can be a physical sign of gas pain.
Observing her involuntary movements and listening for high-pitched piercing or grating cries can help you figure out what you can do to soothe her colic symptoms. Perhaps burping her, or gently massaging her tummy will help if you think she’s struggling with gas.
#4 - Easing symptoms with gripe water
The best way to reduce colic symptoms is just like kicking diaper rash — treat it immediately. Little Remedies® Gripe Water eases colic like Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® helps treat diaper rash. Many parents dealing with colic swear by Little Remedies® Gripe Water because it can provide quick relief for colicky babies struggling with belly issues.
Since it’s derived from ingredients like ginger seed extract and fennel seed extract, Little Remedies® Gripe Water can be administered up to 6 times in a 24-hour period. Doses can be repeated after 30 minutes, which makes it ideal for feeding schedules.
#5 - It won’t last forever
Babies with colic don’t cry forever. It may not feel like it at the moment, but the bouts of crying will pass. As babies grow and develop, colic tends to dissipate on its own around 3-4 months.
If holding your baby is the only thing that works, just cuddle her as much as possible. It doesn’t mean you’re raising a spoiled child. Some babies are just more sensitive than others.
Little Remedies® Gripe Water to the rescue! Moms agree once they start using Gripe Water, colic symptoms improve fast. Got a colic story to share? Let us know in the comments section on the Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® Facebook page.