Does Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® stain clothing or furniture?
Because Boudreaux’s is an oil-based product, the product will stain clothing and fabric. Because fabric types vary, contact your local dry cleaner/upholstery cleaner for the best treatment for removal of oil-based stains.
What causes diaper rash?
Diaper rash is the most common dermatologic condition experienced during the first three years of life. It most commonly occurs in babies 6-12 months of age. The primary cause is prolonged or increased exposure to wetness to the skin. The other causes can be:
- Chafing from friction against diapers and/or tight clothing
- Prolonged contact with urine and feces
- When solid foods are introduced to baby’s diet
- When certain foods are eaten by a breast-feeding mom
- When taking antibiotics
- If the baby has sensitive skin such as eczema, he/she is more prone to diaper rash
- Irritation from a new product such as soap, wipe, diaper, detergent or fabric softener
How do I know if my baby has diaper rash?
Diaper rash is different for every baby and may have several different appearances, such as:
- Red
- Flaky
- Chafing
- Warm to the touch
- Dry, raised bumps
- Fluid-filled bumps
- Dry skin
- Peeling
When should I call the doctor?
You should call the doctor if your baby experiences the following symptoms:
- If rash blisters or bleeds
- Fever is present
- Cries in pain when diaper rash is touched
- Symptoms do not improve in 7 days or worsen despite home treatments
- Spreads to other areas
- Baby seems more uncomfortable than usual, especially during diaper changes
What is zinc oxide and Dimethicone?
Dimethicone and zinc oxide are both skin protectants that form a barrier over the skin to seal out wetness and prevent contact with potential irritants, such as urine or feces.
What should I do if the product comes into contact with the mouth and/or eyes?
If oral contact occurs, use a damp, clean washcloth to wipe the child’s mouth out and contact Poison Control toll-free at 1.800.222.1222 for recommendations. If eye contact occurs, if you have not already done so, immediately cleanse the eye areas with a soft cloth dipped in warm water and rinse the eyes with sterile saline.Call Poison Control toll-free at 1.800.222.1222, and also notify your physician to have them take a good look at your child’s eyes if exposure occurs.
How much Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® should I apply?
Change wet or soiled diaper immediately, cleanse area and allow drying. Apply Boudreaux’s Butt Paste® liberally in a thick, even layer to skin in diaper area.